It’s Time to Recycle Your Period Pad and Use Poise Thin-Shape for LBL

There are certain topics that many women are embarrassed to talk about, LBL, or light bladder leakage, being one of them. Unfortunately, one in every three women will experience LBL at least once in her life, and often it’s completely unavoidable.

It's Time to #RecycleYourPeriodPad and Use Poise Thin-Shape for LBL >> #ad | via @glamoraableThere are many triggers for LBL:

  • Weak pelvic floor muscles
  • Pregnancy
  • Hystersectomy
  • Menopause
  • Childbirth
  • Weight gain
  • Stroke
  • Chronic diseases
  • Bladder or UT infections
  • and many more…

I think the overwhelming feeling of “shame” associated with LBL comes from childhood, when kids are told that wetting their bed is something that should not be happening. It’s something that could be the reason for bullying, if certain types of peers ever found out. As adults, we live in a much more accepting and reasonable world, so things like that should not be the reason to be ashamed of your body, and there are products that can take care of the issue with maximum comfort and without anyone knowing. View Post
