Morning Routine for a More Active Lifestyle

I have been compensated by Sundown Naturals® and Pollinate Media Group for this post as part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Sundown Naturals® but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #GoodnessGiveaway #sharethegoodness

Morning Routine for a More Active Lifestyle | Sundown Naturals Adult Gummies

It’s been quite an interesting year! I’ve been consistently motivated and inspired by fellow bloggers, friends, and family to stick with my New Year’s resolutions, and slowly turned the activities I used to only see as chores into a lifestyle filled with better decisions for my health and body. My resolutions included spending more quality time with loved ones, enjoying what I already have instead of buying more, getting fit, losing a few extra pounds [I got so motivated that I lost quite a bit!], phasing out processed products, refined sugar, and learning to control my sweet cravings in general. I also wanted to find a way to remember taking my Sundown Naturals® vitamins every day, because my body definitely feels that something’s amiss if I forget for several days in a row. There were more resolutions, but these are the ones I wanted to talk about today. View Post
