Peek Inside My Backpack | A Few Biking Essentials

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Carefree®. #Linerup

Peek Inside My Backpack | A Few Biking Essentials

You might not know this, but I love to ride my bike! Whenever the weather is nice enough, I take it out of the garage and come up with reasons to go somewhere, whether it’s a quick grocery run or a ride to my husband’s work to bring him lunch. I got into cycling after my dad and my husband decided to surprise me with the most unusual birthday gift: a mountain bike that I could ride through the forest in the country. I think I must have been 10 years-old last time I rode one, but my body remembered how to do it right away. Nowadays it’s my preferred method of transportation, and I’m just happy that I live in a small town where I can relax and enjoy the roads without worrying about heavy car traffic. View Post
