Memebox (미미박스) While You Were Sleeping + January Discount Codes

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While You Were Sleeping Memebox takes the idea of beauty sleep to a very literal level. All of the products inside are meant to work at night while our skin is repairing and recharging, so we can wake up with the softest feet, glowing complexion, shiny hair, and perfectly moisturized hands, nails, and cuticles. How could I possibly pass on this one, right?

Memebox (미미박스) While You Were Sleeping + January Discount Codes >> | via @glamorable

Memebox Global is not a typical subscription service. They periodically curate boxes filled with assorted beauty products popular among Koreans, and those Limited Edition bundles are sold on first come first serve basis. Prices vary depending on the type of the box. Memebox ships internationally, so make sure to check on their website and see if they ship in your country – chances are they do. All themed boxes tend to sell out fast, so by the time you read this review this particular box might not be available for sale anymore.
Click here to see available boxes.

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