Bean Box Review: Perfect Gift for Coffee Snobs

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Hey guys, I think I found the perfect gift for a picky coffee snob in your life! Bean Box is a Seattle-based company started by a team of coffee enthusiasts who wanted to share authentic experience of local roasts and coffee shops with their friends and family, that eventually grew to be a thriving business. I’m kind of a coffee snob myself in the sense that I don’t like most coffees, because they all taste burned and bitter; but I do appreciate the subtleties of unique roasts and freshly ground gourmet coffee beans, which is a luxury few of us can afford to indulge in on daily basis.

gift for coffee snobs, gourmet roasts, bean box review, unboxing, 2015, seattle coffeeHOW IT WORKS: Bean Box is a gourmet coffee sampling service. For $20/month subscribers will receive four kinds of high quality whole coffee beans, freshly roasted within 1-2 days of shipping to ensure the richest flavor possible. Click here to check it out. View Post
