PIXI Endless Silky Eye Pen – The Original Favorite

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PIXI Endless Silky Eye Pen

It’s March, you guys! And while I’m here trying to figure out what to do about my Spring makeup situation I realized I haven’t featured PIXI for a while, so let’s talk about the product that originally got me hooked on that brand to begin with. I got my very first award-winning PIXI Endless Silky Eye Pen [$12, available here] in a subscription box many years ago, and wasn’t too sure about the color at first. I wasn’t super adventurous with my makeup back then [well, not like I am now, but I’m definitely better!], so a teal eyeliner sounded like a crazy bold move. Funny how our priorities change! I tried it anyway over some random black liner. Worked like a charm and stayed on all day even with my oily eyelids in the summer.

So today I wanted to show you four of my recent favorites. I had this festive PIXI Endless Silky Eye Pen Quartette since Christmas but only got around to actually using each of the pencils very recently. They are as fabulous as I remember! View Post
