Things I Do That Annoy People

Nothing to Disclose

Today as part of Talk To Me Tuesday series I wanted to share something completely random, yet still personal: things I do that annoy other people, but not on purpose of course. I’m sure most of us [all of us?] do things that bother others, and very often we’re completely unaware of them, unless we’re told. Here I listed a few things I’ve been told to stop doing more than once or twice, yet I still keep doing them out of habit.

1. Complaining – I admit, I’m a terrible complainer when I have to do things that I really don’t want to do. I’ve always whined about cleaning, homework, having to visit unpleasant/creepy relatives that I don’t really like etc. Thing is, I will complain for an hour, then I will go and do it anyway because, well, I kinda “have” to. So I’ve always been told to just stop wasting my own time and everyone’s patience, and just do it without complaining. See, if I don’t get it off my chest, I will feel terrible all day! <- that’s the lame excuse I give myself.

2. Overdressing – Imagine you’re at a casual party, with Wii, pizza and drinks in plastic cups. Everyone is wearing relaxed attire: jeans, hoodies, tshirts; and then there’s one girl in an LBD and high heels. I’m that girl. It’s not my fault I like wearing cute stuff, I usually save casual clothes for home or traveling. I even wear heels to the grocery store! I guess it’s cultural, because in my hometown overdressing isn’t a crime, but underdressing is a major faux pas.

3. Being a beauty blogger – It’s actually a little insulting that some people would look down on anybody who works in the beauty industry, even though as a beauty blogger I can’t really say I do because I just write about it as a hobby more than anything [fyi, this blog doesn’t make enough to pay the bills, it doesn’t even fully cover the makeup and subscription boxes I purchase for reviews]. As soon as someone asks what I do and I tell them I’m a housewife and a beauty blogger [because why not, it’s true after all], I almost expect them to think I’m just a shallow doll that only cares about makeup and nail polish, even though I have a BA in International Journalism as well as MA in Russian Philology, and can speak two languages fluently, while being the first generation immigrant [as in, I wasn’t born in the US, and noone else in my family speaks English]. My other major interest, aside from blogging, is astronomy. I think the Universe is amazing! Did any of you catch the first episode of Cosmos this past weekend? I thought it was just okay, like an intro level for those who know nothing about the subject; I’m hoping they will juice it up as the show progresses. By the way, VampyVarnish has a great article about the social stigma of being a beauty blogger, check it out if this topic resonates with you.

Well, these three things are all I could think of right off the bat, and I’m sure there are more that I’m still unaware of. What about you ladies?

Is there anything you consistently do that other people don’t like?

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  1. March 11, 2014 / 1:00 pm

    Interesting stuff about you/your background/family!

    I too am a complainer and I can tell it gets old for ppl in my life when they just don’t say anything at all at any point during or after my rant… :O

    I write for work, and my job is to help with our work product/system processes. It is complex work, and ppl will complain about emails being too long. Well, I do tend to error on the side of giving too much info. Shame on me for trying to help as well as educate for future reference. Sadly I am answering the same questions to the same people today as in 2006…many people don’t want to learn, they think its our team’s job to deal with anything thrown at us (we are the catch all for everything and treated like crap).

    Whoops, this is long and there I go complaining again! And I’m working, though I am out of the office for my dogs surgery.

    “Everything is awesome….”

    • March 12, 2014 / 8:04 pm

      I don’t mind that you’re complaining at all, as a fellow complainer I know how important it is to get everything off of your chest, even if everyone else thinks you’re just being a nag. I love people that talk a lot, mainly because I love to talk too, and it’s sometimes hard to have a conversation with someone more quiet when all they do is listen, so I say, rant on and keep leaving these long comments, because there are people who actualy appreciate that! (like this girl here)

      I hope your dog’s surgery went well and wishing him (her?) a steady recovery πŸ™‚

  2. March 11, 2014 / 1:05 pm

    I took a little foray into blogging (mostly about subscription boxes) and I felt the same stigma. I hid it from most people because I knew they already thought my makeup collection and subscription boxes were overboard, just imagine if I’d explained I was blogging on it! Personally I love the blogs you (and others) provide, particularly when you post sincere reviews on the items and services. I think it’s fantastic!

    • March 12, 2014 / 8:09 pm

      I know right, what’s with that? Why is it okay to collect stamps and baseball cards but not nail polish? It must feel terrible having to hide your hobbies from people because of weird stereotypes. I’m happy to hear that you enjoy my blog, and this is exactly why I write – because someone somewhere will read it and hopefully find it useful. Maybe one day you can proudly announce to the world that you are a beauty blogger without sounding like you’re about to come out of the closet.

  3. March 11, 2014 / 5:49 pm

    Hi Anastasia, I am in total agreement with you about being consistently made-up and over-dressed for every occasion (even my slippers have heels), although I get remarks about my always being so polished and pulled together, being French it has always been part of my culture, my mother always referred to it as having personal pride in yourself… after all it takes 3 minutes to put a little lipstick on n’est pas???? Aurevoir & merci!! Nathalie

    • March 12, 2014 / 8:14 pm

      Hi Nathalie, thank you for your amazing comment! I’ve traveled around France once and women there are always so chic, just like they say in all those magazines and travel guides. It’s usually the younger generation that snickers about my outfits, older people seem to appreciate them instead, probably because they still remember those times when women wore pearls and heels to family dinners. I say, whatever, it doesn’t hurt anyone that I do this, and it also makes us happy, and honestly, overdressing is not the worst habit to have πŸ˜‰ Vous êtes belle, parce que vous êtes heureu <3
      ~ Anastasia

  4. March 12, 2014 / 12:25 am

    I am totally with you on the third one! That’s the feeling/vibe I get sometimes from a few people.

    • March 12, 2014 / 8:18 pm

      There are just too many stereotypes associated with the world of beauty products, hopefully one day it will get better and being a beauty blogger will be considered a useful hobby to have πŸ™‚ After all, when a woman wants to buy a new lipstick, chances are she will google some reviews first instead of buying the first random one at a drugstore.

  5. March 12, 2014 / 5:31 am

    Hello ! Mostly in my lives, the issue is people are annoyed by my lifestyles; I maintain beauty and grooming as well as cosmetic and fitness routine to keep my husband appeased and satisfied in our relationships. I am often refer to as “mail-order bridal servant” by my husband’s colleagues — but mostly their wives are the most bothered. This said, I attempt to ignore and focus on the livelihood we have builder together. He is my life and my world. Your blogger is an inspiration to continue to live my life the way I have chosen because you are inspiration to both cosmetic beauty and fitness routine, as well as inspiration to keep husband appease with fitness and cosmetic beauty. I refresh your blogs most days often because I am usually only downtime between fitness and cosmetic. Thank you Anastasia for keep your chins up in spite of commentary of negative others. God bless, Sofia xxox

    • March 12, 2014 / 8:33 pm

      Thank you for your wonderful comment, Sofia! I’m sure your husband loves you very much and doesn’t just treat you as a trophy wife; and I bet those other people are just jealous, if they seriously have nothing else to gossip about. I’m honored that I can be an inspiration for you, and I’m very humbled by your kind words. Let’s both be proud of who we are, and live our life without having to feel ashamed or bothered by other people’s misconceptions.


  6. March 12, 2014 / 1:51 pm

    I’m sure I do MANY things that annoy others, but I have to be who I am and try not to worry too much about that. I can definitely relate with #1 and sometimes #2. I can’t relate to #3 since I’m not a blogger, but I am very impressed with what you have already accomplished and are doing now. You get to be at home, do what you love, and enjoy your husband. You aren’t all stressed out from having a job you hate. Life doesn’t get much better than that. Enjoy being who you are–a beautiful, intelligent young woman.

    • March 12, 2014 / 8:38 pm

      Thank you for your kind words, Mom, I couldn’t have wished for a better mother-in-law, I’m so happy that we are such great friends πŸ™‚ By the way, I totally love your #2, you look fantastic no matter where we go! <3

  7. March 12, 2014 / 1:54 pm

    P.S. I love your picture! What is the location?

    • March 12, 2014 / 8:35 pm

      It’s called the Nymphenbad and located in Dresden, Germany πŸ™‚

  8. March 13, 2014 / 10:51 am

    I would have to say complaining and also telling people I am a beauty blogger. I started my blog to make myself get out there and hoping it to help me see I do have something other people would like to read. I have never associated my self with the word beauty. Hence is where the name of my blog came from (BethandBeauty). Little secret, I still kind of cringe when I type the name of my blog down. Alot of people when I tell them I have started a beauty blog they automatically think I am trying to sell them something. They just don’t get the concept I am not doing it for money but to share my passion and to help myself learn more about myself as I do it.

    • March 14, 2014 / 10:08 pm

      I think it’s a wonderful thing that you want to share your thoughts and experiences with other people through blogging, but some people just don’t get it and think you’re just being vain and bragging about all the stuff you got [couldn’t be farther from the truth]. I say, keep doing what you love, because someone will definitely find it useful and thank you for it!

  9. April 1, 2014 / 1:22 am

    I love to read beauty blogs and I’m glad that there are good bloggers out there like you, even when the blog doesn’t pay the bills. (I think very few beauty blogs do pay the bills.) My friends think my nail polish collection is extreme because it is, but they also like my polishes and look to me for advice on it. They don’t say negative things.

    • April 1, 2014 / 8:00 pm

      Aw, thank you for the kind words πŸ™‚ Your friends sound like wonderful and supportive people!

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