Perfect for travel: Dermalogica PreCleanse Oil & Wipes

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While packing for my trip to NYC I realized that products from my usual cleansing routine take up too much space. Then I spotted this package from iFabbo with Dermalogica PreCleanse Oil and a pack of PreCleanse Wipes inside: both were compact enough to last me at least a week, which was just what I needed.

Dermalogica PreCleanse Oil, Dermalogica PreCleanse Wipes reviewFirst of all, I had no idea Dermalogica made cleansing wipes, or I would have been all over them! So far I’ve been really impressed with all of this brand’s products, and my expectations were set pretty high. Before I tucked them away into my luggage bag I had to make sure these wipes didn’t irritate my skin. My problem is that even wipes targeted for sensitive skin sometimes cause a burning sensation on my cheeks, which is a good indicator that I probably shouldn’t be using them. I swear, it’s like my skin keeps getting crazier as I age, did anybody else experience that?  View Post
