Weekly Favorites #6

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My favorite products this week are fairly well-rounded: two makeup products [one new, one rediscovered], a body lotion ,and the most delicious face mask.

I live by the lake and we often have high humidity here, so at Summer I opt in for lightweight body moisturizers, otherwise my skin feels sticky. During the daytime I normally prefer to use something with SPF, but in the evening I started applying L’Occitane Magical Leaves Body Milk [$25] that I picked up last week. It has a pleasant milky texture and runny consistency, and has a light fragrance of verbena, sweet vanilla, and hazel. This is a LE collection, but I hope L’Occitane can make this line permanent, because it’s one of my favorite scents.

Another favorite was WondeRuci Cacao Brightening Mask [$28] from my Cacao Memebox. It smells so good, I want to eat my face off! Jokes aside, this mask smells like real dark chocolate, and I used it at least three times last week so far. I think it actually made my face brighter and softer.

Now, I have two clear makeup favorites this week – a rediscovered Hard Candy Fox In A Box [$6] blush, that I rediscovered while cleaning my drawers, and tarte Maracuja Creaseless Concealer [$24] that I just bought earlier this week. The blush gives my cheeks a very pretty pink tint, and I’m glad I found it, because I used to love it so much. And the concealer is all sorts of wonderful, it’s probably one of the best I have owned, and I will be raving about it in a future blog post.

What products are you loving this week?

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