Trying Skincare from My Home Country

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Svoboda Skincare Review: Amber, Luxe, & Evening Moisturizers

Svoboda Skincare Review: Amber, Luxe, & Evening Moisturizers – Свобода Люкс, Янтарь, Вечер.

Those of you who have been reading this blog for a while, know that I am originally from Moscow, Russia. Growing up I preferred to use either French or American skincare, but Russian brands were just as popular and a whole lot more affordable. This year when my mom and sister came over to visit, I asked them to bring along a few popular Russian beauty products for me to try. In this fun post today I wanted to share my thoughts on a couple of my mom’s favorites. The three moisturizers I got to try are all from the brand Svoboda, which was originally founded in 1843, making it one of the oldest and most well-known skincare brands in Russia. View Post
