Beauty Box 5 February 2014 Sneak Peek

Nothing to Disclose

It’s time to reveal the official spoiler for February! Beauty Box Five is celebrating their second anniversary, and treating everyone with something special this month.

I’m excited to let you know that the product, or rather two products, that everyone will be receiving are Nail Polish and Nail Sprinkles from Rockstar Nails. “But wait, there’s more!” [read that in a cliche salesman voice] As a special Birthday bonus, everyone will also receive a $10 gift certificate to

Subscribe by January 31st to receive the February box.

For $12/month subscribers will receive a box filled with a carefully selected mixture of five travel-sized, deluxe-sized and full-sized cosmetic products from luxury, commonly known brands, niche brands, eco-conscious and even vegan brands. Aimed at introducing women to new cosmetic products and educating them on best practices, Beauty Box 5 scours the market to find the best products for your lifestyle.
Click here to subscribe.

Disclosure: This post contains photos and information from Beauty Box 5.

Copyright: The content in this post is protected by copyright. Images credit: Beauty Box 5. To view our copyright policy, please refer to Disclosures & Content Use page.
