SPF For Lips Done Right – MDSolarSciences Hydrating Sheer Lip Balm (swatches & review)

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SPF for Lips Done Right - MDSolarSciences Hydrating Sheer Lip Balm (swatches & review)

SPF for Lips Done Right – MDSolarSciences Hydrating Sheer Lip Balm (swatches & review)

First things first, did you know that the skin on your lips is only 3-5 cell layers thick compared to 16 layers on most of your face? That makes your lips a lot more fragile, and prone to damage and changes in humidity: typically in very dry environments, the lips will start cracking first before the signs appear anywhere else. The lip area is also particularly susceptible to sun damage, and unfortunately, a lot of us don’t consider proper lip protection when we’re out and about in the sun. View Post
