Coconut-Mango Breakfast Chia Pudding Recipe
Recipe type: Breakfast
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Serves: 3-4 servings
This delicious breakfast pudding keeps me full til lunchtime. Make a bigger batch in advance and refrigerate up to 3 days.
  • 14 fl oz can Coconut Milk
  • 3 tbsp NOW Foods Organic Black Chia Seeds
  • 8 oz Coconut Yogurt
  • ½ cup NOW Foods Organic Shredded Coconut (Unsweetened)
  • 1 tbsp NOW Foods Organic Coconut Sugar
  • 3 Ataulfo Mangoes
  • 1 cup Toasted Coconut Granola (Note: I buy mine in bulk at Whole Foods)
  • a handful of fresh berries (Optional)
  1. The night before mix the coconut milk and chia seeds in a glass or plastic food container, stir, and refrigerate overnight.
  2. In the morning add the yogurt, shredded coconut, and coconut sugar to the container with soaked chia and stir together until everything is mixed well.
  3. Fill your serving bowls halfway with the chia pudding. (Note: I used small mason jars, but ramekins will work, too)
  4. Divide granola among the bowls, reserving a couple tablespoons for garnish.
  5. Cut mangoes into thin slices and divide them evenly among the bowls, reserving about ½ cup for garnish.
  6. Divide the rest of the chia pudding among the bowls, top with reserved mango slices, berries, and sprinkle with reserved granola.
If you want to use this recipe as a dessert, double the amount of coconut sugar and mangoes to make it sweeter and fruitier.
Recipe by Glamorable at